Layrd Design’s new Interior Designer Eleanor Penny talks to us about where she finds inspiration, the latest sustainability trends and what she’s most looking forward to in the months ahead.
Can you tell us a little bit about your experience as an interior designer?
I've worked for a lot of different companies in Cambridge and I've done everything from residential design and commercial design to leisure design. I've worked with companies that are exclusively focused on design and companies that are mainly focused on architecture. I’ve done a little bit of everything!
Did you always want to be an interior designer?
I was always quite creative, although I focused on art direction until university. When I was introduced to interior design as a young student I realised that was what I really wanted to do.
What’s different about Layrd Design?
Layrd Design has reawakened my creativity. The company is focused on designing the best spaces for its clients; we’re there to do the right thing. We focus on key elements like sustainability and wellness in the workplace, things like that.
Where does your inspiration come from?
It comes from focusing on what the client needs. Every project is different. It's about figuring out what's going to work best for that individual organisation. A lot of research goes into getting it right. I spend a lot of time going onto social media to find out more about our clients and their cultures. Companies are more open on social media these days and it gives me a great insight into what they want to achieve.
Are there any new interior design trends emerging right now?
After the challenges of the last few years, we’re seeing our clients encouraging their employees back into the office. There’s an acknowledgement that we all had a rough time and we need to be looking after one another. That's been a big shift. We’re creating more spaces that facilitate social interactions and wellbeing.
You mentioned that sustainability is a focus at Layrd Design. Are there any developments you’re excited about in this arena?
Sustainability is a big issue in the design industry, with people becoming more aware of what’s possible. Right now, I love the idea of cradle-to-cradle products. It’s the idea that nothing really has an endpoint, so it never goes to landfill. We’ve seen an increase in furniture suppliers offering this, developing products that they can take back and reuse.
What are some of the challenges clients face with interior design projects?
I find that Pinterest can create obstacles! It’s great when clients are inspired by Pinterest, but sometimes the products aren’t available in the UK or lack the correct production standards, which means we can’t supply them.
What are you most looking forward to in the next 6 months?
There are lots of exciting projects in the pipeline for Layrd Design. There’s one particular project in the hospitality sector that could be really fun – it’s great to see that sector coming back to life. I can’t say more about it right now, but watch this space!
Let Layrd Design Inspire You Speak to Eleanor and the team at Layrd Design about your commercial interior design project on 01223 952992 today.